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BLACK, BOUNTIFUL AND PROUD – UK Black Hairstyles, From Root to Global Movement.

Updated: Mar 15, 2021

the black hair journey is as complex, interwoven and as versatile as the hair itself. Beautiful yet unique in every way, black afro hair is not only a symbol of iconic beauty within black culture, but it stands as a political, social and historical moment. Over the generations, black afro hair has had to face prejudice, racism and social deconstruction under the eyes of the western gaze, shackled to the idea that it is unruly, unpolished and unnatural. Yet within black culture itself, black hair has had a rebirth, a re-awakening of sorts, its beauty has flourished and soared above judgement and criticism, finding its own root of identity. From sharing hair stories with friends, sitting between our mother’s laps as we get our weekly comb out or contributing to the black salon experience, black afro hair is at the heart of Black British culture, the blood that flows between us all, connecting us in one way or another.

From our hair journeys to our hair stories, every black woman can relate to the black salon experience. Each Saturday you slot in time with your hairdresser (who soon becomes a close friend) and would undergo your hair transformation.  Salons like ours are here to cater to your our weekly or monthly appointment and with our services offering everything from wash and go treatments, to braids installs, cornrows and a silk press. With the hours sat in the hairdresser’s chair, you would converse over the matters of the week and the styles you saw and wanted to copy. The black hair salon has fast become a place of therapy for the black community, unburdening the load of life whilst transforming and beautifying your crown.

To fall intimately in love with your afro you have to understand how your afro has been designed for you. Often generalised by the mass culture, afro hair gets lost in translation. The texture for afro hair itself ranges from type 3A to 4C. The type 3 styles often have a looser curl pattern with an elongated ‘S’ to spring like curls and for type 4 styles, the texture can lie between a much tighter pattern, zig zag to a tight coil. Due to the afro’s unique characteristics, each bend and coil demands our attention, it is vital that we treat the hair with the right products, treatments and investing in it through an expert or salon experience. It is important to note the varied intelligence of black hair and its versatility through the generations has showcased how beautiful, unique and fluid it has become.We are hereto help embrace that for you.



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